Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Nathalie Clayer (Paris)

"Circulation, adaptation and rejection of models - the adoption of the Civil code in interwar Albania"

04.07.2014 14:00  – 16:00 

Die auf südosteuropäische, osmanische und türkische Geschichte spezialisierte Historikerin Nathalie Clayer referiert am 4. Juli 2014 in Regensburg über die Schaffung eines zivilen Gesetzbuches im Albanien der Zwischenkriegszeit und die damit verbundenen Kulturtransfers.

Adopting new codes - especially a civil code - seemed essential in Southeast Europe to achieve the desired objective of "civilization". In the Albanian case, this process which took place in the 1920s implied complex mechanisms of transfers between Albania, on the one hand, and Turkey and countries of Western Europe, on the other hand. The heuristic interest of this example is that we can observe not only processes of circulation and adaptation, but also of rejection. Indeed after a project of transfer of the Civil Code recently adopted in Turkey, the Turkish (or Turkish-Swiss model) was rejected. However, in the legitimation and mystification phase of the new code, we can observe another positioning to the "Turkish model". Given these multiple turns, this presentation makes the case for taking into account more complex space-time dynamics in the transformation of Southeastern societies.

Der Vortrag findet statt in Regensburg in der Landshuter Str. 4, Raum 017.
Ab 13:30 Uhr lädt die Graduiertenschule zu einem Imbiss ein. Der Vortrag beginnt um 14 Uh

Ort: GS-OSES, Landshuter Str. 4, Raum 017 (EG), Regensburg

Zeit: 4. Juli 2014, 14-16 Uhr


Responsible for content: GS OSES/Hesse