Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Tagung München

Wege der Transition / der Transformation. Lokale Gemeinschaften in Südosteuropa im Übergang zu Nationalstaaten nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg

23.11.2017 at 10:00  – 24.11.2017 at 17:00 

Vom 23. bis 24. November 2017 veranstalten das Institut für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas, das Politikatörténeti intézet, die Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien und das Collegium Carolinum in München die Tagung "Wege der Transition / der Transformation. Lokale Gemeinschaften in Südosteuropa im Übergang zu Nationalstaaten nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg".

Gegenstand der Tagung
The dominant understanding of the end of WWI in Southeastern Europe is still marked by the emergence of nation states, rashly nationalizing institutions, space and people at the ruins of empires. The fall of empires certainly meant the end of a specific experience of state building and configuration, one based on the dominance of a metropolitan centre over peripheries that were ruled in a differentiated way. Although the empires turned to nationalizing themselves under the pressure of and challenge by the nation-state model, they still left a legacy that new nation states, also imperialising entities, could not easily dispose of.
With the new idea and legitimacy of statehood and the new, uniform and "homogeneous" states in the making, local societies had to face a period of transition, a systemic change that aimed at the profound reconfiguration of state and social relations. However, what seemed as a straightforward development at the general level did not necessarily mean a similar transformation (comprehensive and sustainable social change) for local and regional societies.
Uneven transition can be explained with a broad range of factors. Revealing how and why these were effective in certain cases and failed to have an effect on other ones is a key issue for understanding the transition process. Comparison of such disparate (or even similar) stories across space would allow for revealing these factors behind different local outcomes and paths of transition. The types of change in local societies, the potential to gain agency, the significance of the changes for individuals with varying social backgrounds are just a few of the many themes that can be brought to the fore when the focus rests on local cases and they are analysed through a comparative lens. Therefore, the conference attempts to bring together a wide range of case studies that present material for further comparisons and the comparative study of certain problems.


Thursday, 23 November
10:00-10:30 Welcome and Introduction
Florian Kührer-Wielach, Director of the IKGS, Munich
Martin Zückert, Managing Director of the Collegium Carolinum, Munich
Gábor Egry, Director of the Institute of Political History, Budapest
10:30-13:45 Nations and New Orders
Florian Kührer-Wielach (Munich): Transfer, Transition, Transformation? Transylvania and beyond
Johannes Gleixner (Munich): From the Countryside into the Center: Czech Progressives and the Notion of »Czech Socialism« as Republican Ideology
Calin Cotoi (Bucharest): Social Modernity and International Hygiene Conferences: Nation Building and Public Hygiene in 19th Century Romania
12:15-12:30 Coffee break
Ota Konrád (Prague): Violence, Nation and the New Order: The Bohemian Lands and Austria during the Transition Period, 1917-1923
Thomas Varkonyi (Vienna): »Galicia« as an Anti-Semitic Code in Hungary (and Austria) during and after The Great War
Chair: Martin Zückert
13:45-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-17:00 Post-imperial Biographies
Rok Stergar (Ljubljana): »We will make fools of ourselves if nothing comes of Yugoslavia« Transition from the Habsburg Empire to Yugoslavia from a Native Perspective
Svetlana Suveica (Regensburg/Chisinau): (Post-imperial) Identities on the Russian-Romanian Borderland: The Biography Twists of Panteleimon V. Sinadino
János Fodor (Cluj-Napoca): György Bernády: A Case Study of a Post-imperial Biography
Chair: Enikö Dácz (Munich)
Friday, 24 November
9:00-11:00 Transforming Local Societies
Attila Simon (Komárno): Alternativen des Machtübergangs. Kaschau 1918-1919
Jernej Kosi (Ljubljana/Graz): Transforming Local Identities: Prekmurje after the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary
Enikö Dácz (Munich): Local Societies in Transition: Brasov and Sibiu
Chair: Eric Weaver (Debrecen)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Comparative Local Transitions
Gábor Egry (Budapest): Shoulder to Shoulder? Local Professional Networks and Institutions, Local and Regional Solidarity in the Emerging Romanian Nation State 1918-1925
Ivan Jelicic (Trieste): Political Elites and Counter-Elites in a City Searching for a Place in the Post-Habsburg Era
Chair: Rok Stergar
12:45-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-16:00 Peculiar Regions, Peculiar People
Julia Richers (Bern): Identifications in Transition: Interwar Biographies in Carpatho-Ukraine
Eric Weaver: The Nation that Was Not to Be. Reactions of Bunjevci and other South Slavs in Hungary to Revolution and State Change at the End of the First World War
Ségoléne Plyer (Strasbourg): The Goodness of the Monarchy, the Gains of 1918. German and Czech Change Experiences on Regional Scale in Bohemia, 1914-1924
Chair: Svetlana Suveica
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-17:15 Round Table Discussion: Perspectives for Further Research
Gábor Egry, Ota Konrád, Ségoléne Plyer, Julia Richer

Zeit: Donnerstag, 23.11.2017, Freitag, 24.11.2017, ganztägig
Ort: München, GS OSES, Maria-Theresia-Straße 21, Bibliothek (EG)
Anmeldung: bis zum 17.11. per E-Mail an Dr. Enikő Dácz
Kooperation: Institut für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas an der LMU München, Politikatörténeti intézet, Collegium Carolinum – Forschungsinstitut für die Geschichte Tschechiens und der Slowakei

Responsible for content: GS OSES/Krogner-Kornalik