Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Graduate School Members at ASEEES Annual Convention in Boston

Doctoral Candidates, Postdocs and Professors Attend the Annual Convention of the "Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies"


In Boston (USA), the 2018 annual convention of the "Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies" (ASEEES) begins on Thursday. From the 6th to the 9th of December, several doctoral candidates, postdocs and professors from the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies from Munich and Regensburg will present their research there. The spotlight includes Daniel Schrader, Dr. Adele del Sordi, Dr. Adrian Grama, Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer, Prof. Dr. Marek Nekula, Prof. Dr. Björn Hansen, Prof. Dr. Riccardo Nicolosi and Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman. The convention is one of the most important international forums for East European Studies, Slavic Studies and Eurasian Studies. The theme of the conference this year is "Performance".

Munich postdoctoral student Dr. Adele del Sordi will present a paper entitled "Authoritarian Regimes in the Quest of Global Legitimacy: Understanding the Nexus between Russia's Domestic and International Legitimization" on Thursday. Dr. Adrian Grama, a postdoctoral fellow from Regensburg, will chair the panel discussion on "Capital, Money, and Labor: Critical Histories of 20th Century Eastern Europe" on Thursday. Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer, spokesman for the Regensburg Graduate School, will lead the discussion in the "Red Revolution: From Intention to Execution" panel, which deals with the practice of communism in Central and South-Central Europe.

On Friday, Dr. Adrian Grama will speak on "Arrogant, Ungentlemanly, and Not-to-be-trusted: The World Bank, the IMF, and the Creditworthiness of Late Socialist Romania". In the same panel, Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer and Andrew John Hodges from the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies will present a paper on "The Long Hand of Workers' Ownership: Performing Transformation in the Uljanik Shipyard (Croatia)". Prof. Dr. Riccardo Nicolosi, Professor of Slavic Literature at LMU and Principle Investigator at the Graduate School, will also give a lecture on Friday on "The Adventure Hero in Early Soviet Literary Theory". Likewise, Prof. Dr. Marek Nekula will present his paper "Language Ideologies and Language Management in Czech and Czech-German Families in Bavaria in Change" in a panel on the concept of "Perfomativity". In the same panel is also Prof. Dr. Björn Hansen's presentation on "Performing Heritage Language Across Generations: LangGener". Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman, Professor of Social Sciences East European Studies at LMU and Principle Investigator of the Graduate School, will speak on Friday about "From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Intelligentsia: Pre-Revolutionary Estates, Modernization, and Political Contestation in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia".

On Saturday, Regensburg graduate student, Daniel Schrader, will talk about "Performing Representative Democracy in Revolution and Civil War: Political Rituals and Languages of Samara's Duma Councilors, 1917-1918" and present intermediate results of his dissertation.

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Nicolosi will also head Sunday's panel discussion "The Interaction of Science and Literature: The Case of Fyodor Dostoevsky".

Dr. Ekaterina Makhotina, alumna of the graduate school, and Prof. Dr. Martin Aust, Honorary Research Associate, are two other scientists closely associated with the Graduate School at this ASEEES meeting. Makhotina will speak on Friday about "Sin and Justice: Monastery Prison in the Penitentiary Practice of Early Modern Russia" in a panel on new approaches to the history of Russian, Prussian and Polish prisons. Makhotina's discussion will be led by Aust. In addition, two further Honorary Research Assistants of the Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Ronald Grigor Suny, Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann, will be attending the annual conference as well as Prof. Yuri Slezkine, Ph.D, who was a visiting professor at the Graduate School and LMU Munich at the beginning of this year.

The following additional colleagues from Munich and Regensburg will also participate in the ASEEES Annual Congress in Boston: Laura Eras, Research Associate at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Libman, Dr. Luminiţa Gătejel from the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies and two research assistants at the chair of Prof. Dr. Niccolosi, Dr. Brigitte Obermayr and Dr. Nora Scholz. In addition, with Sören Urbansky also a former research assistant at the Chair of Russian / Asiatic Studies of the LMU on site.

The program of the ASEEES annual conference as well as the short descriptions of the sections and lectures can be viewed here.