Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Dr. Anna Katharina Aubele


Doctoral Project

Das Engagement vertriebener Frauen in den Anfangsjahren der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in kirchlichen Institutionen, Vertriebenenverbänden und Politik — abgeschlossen

The engagement of displaced women in the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany in church institutions, organizations for displaced persons and politics — completed

The research project combines women's and cultural history issues and devotes itself to the life worlds and political action possibilities of displaced women after their arrival in the Western zones or the Federal Republic of Germany until the end of the 60s. The expulsion was largely a specifically female experience. So far, the expellees have only been researched from a regional point of view, either classified through their place of origin or their settlement areas in the Federal Republic. This is the starting point of the dissertation project that explores the perceptions and activities of displaced women without geographical perspectives. The (violent) experiences of escape and expulsion shaped the women and became an all-encompassing and influencing key experience of their biographies. They gave them a strong sense of solidarity on the one hand, but also excluded them from the women in Germany. The circles of friends and acquaintances were often limited to other displaced persons. The motivations and the development of the commitment and activities of displaced women are examined both on a political and religious-institutional level as well as in the private sphere by reconstructing the self-description of those women as well as the contemporary external view on them.

Funded by:

  • Federal Government Comissioner for Culture and Media: Funding Programme "Memory and Identity. The Germans and their Neighbours in Central and Eastern Europe [Erinnerung und Identität. Die Deutschen und ihre Nachbarn in Mittel- und Osteuropa]" (April 2011 - December 2013)
  • FAZIT-Foundation: Abschluss-Scholarship (2014)

Published as:

Vertriebene Frauen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Engagement in Kirchen, Verbänden und Parteien 1945–1970, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018 (= Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, Bd. 138). Further information ...

Curriculum Vitae

2004-2010 Study of the History of East and South Eastern Europe, the contemporary and recent History and Economics at the LMU Munich and the Federal Immanuel-Kant-University in Kaliningrad. Autumn 2010 until Spring 2011 Employee at the Collegium Carolinum, der Research Centre for Bohemian countries. From October 2011 until spring 2015 Fellow of the German-Polish Graduate College "Poland and Germany in modern Europe" and between December 2012 and Spring 2015 associated Doctoral Student at the Graduate School for East and South Eastern European Studies. 2015 completion of her PhD thesis (supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel). 2015 until 2017 Scientific Secretariat of the German section of the German-Czech and German-Slovakian Historical Commission. 2017-2018 Research Assistant at the Chair for Vocational Education at the Technische Universität München (TUM). At present trainee for the archive service.


  • Advancement Award for Science of the "Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft" (2017)
  • Adolf-Klima-Price of the Sudeten German Academy of Science and Arts (2011)

Positions, Assignments and Memberships

  • Arbeitskreis historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (AKHFG) [Working Group Historical Women and Gender Studies]

Publications (selected)


Katharina Aubele: Vertriebene Frauen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Engagement in Kirchen, Verbänden und Parteien 1945–1970, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018 (= Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, Bd. 138). Further information ...


Antikomplex und Lehrstuhl für Bayerische und Schwäbische Landesgeschichte, Universität Augsburg (Hgg.): Sudetské příběhy. Vyhanci-starousedlíci-osílenci / Sudetengeschichten. Vertriebene-Alteingesessene-Neusiedler. Tiskárny Havlíčkův Brod, a. s., Praha 2010. In: Bohemia 50 (2), 2010, 439-441. Online:

Further Publications

Conference Report: War and City in the 20th Century. Annual Conference of the German-Czech and the German-Slovak Historical Commission, 25.09.2015–26.09.2015 Košice. In: H-Soz-Kult, 03.05.2016. Online: