Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Đokić, Marija

Dr. Marija Đokić


Research Project

Eine Theaterlandschaft für Belgrad (1841-1914). Kulturtransfer zwischen osmanischen, serbischen und europäischen Theaterpraktiken — abgeschlossen

A theatrical landscape for Belgrade (1841-1914). Cultural transfer between Ottoman, Serbian and European Theater Pactices — completed

My dissertation project deals with the history of theater in Belgrade in the second half of the 19th century. Next to the newspaper, the theater is the most important medium in the 19th century and as such at the core of my project; it serves as a kind of probe for the study of cultural transfers. In almost every history of Belgrade in the 19th century, the extraordinary location on the border of two empires, namely the Habsburg monarchy and the Ottoman Empire, is underlined. In addition, Belgrade was exposed to certain political and cultural influences of "Mother Russia" and France. Therefore the question arises whether and to what extent this situation of the Serbian capital influenced the cultural life of its inhabitants and whether it was possible for them to consciously perceive or even enjoy life at the intersection of different civilizations. The project mainly deals with various cultural transfers in Belgrade in the second half of the 19th century. The aim is to investigate which theatre program existed in Belgrade, how it was organized, and which cultural entities or states were selected as role models. Various forms of theatrical institutions will be explored, from the Ottoman Karagöz to the National Theater to private boulevard stages similar to those of European capitals. The theater history of a city must be considered in a larger cultural space. Particular attention is paid to theater actors such as directors, actors and authors who mostely acted transnationally, which makes it possible to investigate cultural transfers to a special degree.

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Belgrade. Since 06/2018, she has been a project manager at an agency for interactive media in Munich. From 11/2013 - 02/2018, she was Doctorate student at the Graduate School for East and South East European Studies in Munich. In 07/2018, she successfully defended at LMU. From 11/2013 - 02/2018, she was Associate of the DFG Project "Global Theater Histories" at the LMU. From 08/2011 - 11/2013, she was Research Assistant at the project "Habsburgische Herrschaftspraxis und Herrschaftsrepräsentation: die ‚Kaiserreisen‘ von Joseph II. und Franz I. (II.) in den Jahrzehnten vor und nach 1800" at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) in Regensburg. From 05/2011 - 10/2011, she was Student Assistant of Prof. Dr. Marie-Janine Calic at the Chair for East and South East European History at the LMU München. From 10/2010 - 03/2013, she was enrolled at the Master Programme at LMU: Elite Graduate Program for East European Studies, final paper about "Đorđe Stratimirović. Eine Selbstverortung im Imperium". From 10/2005 - 01/2010, she was enrolled in the Diploma Programme of History in Belgrade. Her final paper was about "Vikotorianerinnen am Balkan. Das Bild der Südosteuropäer im Reisebericht von Georgina Mackenzie und Paulina Irby".


  • PhD Award of the Fritz and Helga Exner Foundation for special achievements in Southeaster Europe research (2019)
  • DAAD Funding of the Congress Trip "Urban microcosms", University of Bristol, Great Britain (2015)
  • Scholarship for a Research Stay in Moscow by BAYHOST (2013)
  • Scholarship of the Schroubek Fonds Östliches Europa for a Language Class in Moscow (2013)
  • Scholar of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (2010-2013)
  • Scholarship by BAYHOST for a German Language Class at the University Passau (2009)


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

With Konrad Clewing: Монаршие путешествия как путешествия власти: эмипрический опыт о владениях Иосифа (II) и Франца II (I) Габсбургов, 1768-1835. In: М. В. Лескинин / О. В. Хаванова (Hgg.): Романовы в дороге. Путешествия и поздки членов царской семьи по России и за границу, Moskau 2016, pp. 299-312.

Đorđe Stratimirović (1822-1908). Eine Selbstverortung im Imperium. In: Martin Aust / Frithjof Benjamin Schenk (Hgg.): Imperial Subjects. Autobiographische Praxis in den Vielvölkerreichen der Romanovs, Habsburger und Osmanen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, Köln u.a. 2015, pp. 255-290.

"Komparative Analyse Sozialer Strukturen von Spielern der Fantastischen Spiele in Belgrad und Skopje", Petničke sveske (2004).

Other Publications

With Johanna Dupré / Rashna Nicholson: Theatrescapes: Global Media and Translocal Publics (1850-1950), 19.06.2014-21.06.2014 München (conference review). In: H-Soz-Kult, 04.09.2014, URL:

Lectures (selected)


„Netzwerke im Theaterleben Belgrads“ (Workshop „Re-Thinking Orientalism“, LMU München [auch Mitorganisation des Workshops], 27.11.2015).

„'The Happiest Corner of Belgrade': Brana's Orpheum (1899-1914)" (Konferenz „Urban microcosms“, University of Bristol, U.K., 15.09.2015).

„Eine Theaterlandschaft für Belgrad (1841-1914)“ Forschungskolloquium der Theaterwissenschaft, LMU München, 17.06.2015).


„Repräsentanz und Realisierung monarchischer Herrschaft: die 'Kaiserreisen' von Joseph II. und Franz I. (1768–1835)“ (Konferenz „Романовы в дороге: путешествия и поездки членов царской семьи по России и за границу“ am Institut slavjanovedenija der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Moskau, 12.11.2013).

Further Information

Research Project (completed)

Eine Theaterlandschaft für Belgrad (1841-1914). Kulturtransfer zwischen osmanischen, serbischen und europäischen Theaterpraktiken

[A theatrical landscape for Belgrade (1841-1914). Cultural transfer between Ottoman, Serbian and European Theater Pactices]

My dissertation project deals with the history of theater in Belgrade in the second half of the 19th century. Next to the newspaper, the theater is the most important medium in the 19th century and as such at the core of my project; it serves as a kind of probe for the study of cultural transfers. In almost every history of Belgrade in the 19th century, the extraordinary location on the border of two empires, namely the Habsburg monarchy and the Ottoman Empire, is underlined. In addition, Belgrade was exposed to certain political and cultural influences of "Mother Russia" and France. Therefore the question arises whether and to what extent this situation of the Serbian capital influenced the cultural life of its inhabitants and whether it was possible for them to consciously perceive or even enjoy life at the intersection of different civilizations. The project mainly deals with various cultural transfers in Belgrade in the second half of the 19th century. The aim is to investigate which theatre program existed in Belgrade, how it was organized, and which cultural entities or states were selected as role models. Various forms of theatrical institutions will be explored, from the Ottoman Karagöz to the National Theater to private boulevard stages similar to those of European capitals. The theater history of a city must be considered in a larger cultural space. Particular attention is paid to theater actors such as directors, actors and authors who mostely acted transnationally, which makes it possible to investigate cultural transfers to a special degree.

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Belgrade.

Since 06/2018, she has been the project manager at the Agency for Interactive Media in Munich.

From 11/2013 - 02/2018, she was Doctorate student at the Graduate School for East and South East European Studies in Munich. In 07/2018, she successfully defended at LMU. 

From 11/2013 - 02/2018, she was Associate of the DFG Project "Global Theater Histories" at the LMU.

From 08/2011 - 11/2013, she was Research Assistant at the project "Habsburgische Herrschaftspraxis und Herrschaftsrepräsentation: die ‚Kaiserreisen‘ von Joseph II. und Franz I. (II.) in den Jahrzehnten vor und nach 1800" at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) in Regensburg.

From 05/2011 - 10/2011, she was Student Assistant of Prof. Dr. Marie-Janine Calic at the Chair for East and South East European History at the LMU München.

From 10/2010 - 03/2013, she was enrolled at the Master Programme at LMU: Elite Graduate Program for East European Studies, final paper about "Đorđe Stratimirović. Eine Selbstverortung im Imperium".

From 10/2005 - 01/2010, she was enrolled in the Diploma Programme of History in Belgrade. Her final paper was about "Vikotorianerinnen am Balkan. Das Bild der Südosteuropäer im Reisebericht von Georgina Mackenzie und Paulina Irby".


  • PhD Award of the Fritz and Helga Exner Foundation for special achievements in Southeaster Europe research (2019)
  • DAAD Funding of the Congress Trip "Urban microcosms", University of Bristol, Great Britain (2015)
  • Scholarship for a Research Stay in Moscow by BAYHOST (2013)
  • Scholarship of the Schroubek Fonds Östliches Europa for a Language Class in Moscow (2013)
  • Scholar of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (2010-2013)
  • Scholarship by BAYHOST for a German Language Class at the University Passau (2009)


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Zus. mit Konrad Clewing: Монаршие путешествия как путешествия власти: эмипрический опыт о владениях Иосифа (II) и Франца II (I) Габсбургов, 1768-1835. In: М. В. Лескинин / О. В. Хаванова (Hgg.): Романовы в дороге. Путешествия и поздки членов царской семьи по России и за границу, Moskau 2016, S. 299-312.

Đorđe Stratimirović (1822-1908). Eine Selbstverortung im Imperium. In: Martin Aust / Frithjof Benjamin Schenk (Hgg.): Imperial Subjects. Autobiographische Praxis in den Vielvölkerreichen der Romanovs, Habsburger und Osmanen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, Köln u.a. 2015, S. 255-290.

„Komparative Analyse Sozialer Strukturen von Spielern der Fantastischen Spiele in Belgrad und Skopje“, Petničke sveske (2004).

Other Publications

Theatrescapes: Global Media and Translocal Publics (1850-1950), 19.06.2014-21.06.2014 München, in: H-Soz-Kult, 04.09.2014.

Lectures (selected)


„Netzwerke im Theaterleben Belgrads“ (Workshop „Re-Thinking Orientalism“, LMU München [auch Mitorganisation des Workshops], 27.11.2015).

„'The Happiest Corner of Belgrade': Brana's Orpheum (1899-1914)" (Konferenz „Urban microcosms“, University of Bristol, U.K., 15.09.2015).

„Eine Theaterlandschaft für Belgrad (1841-1914)“ Forschungskolloquium der Theaterwissenschaft, LMU München, 17.06.2015).


„Repräsentanz und Realisierung monarchischer Herrschaft: die 'Kaiserreisen' von Joseph II. und Franz I. (1768–1835)“ (Konferenz „Романовы в дороге: путешествия и поездки членов царской семьи по России и за границу“ am Institut slavjanovedenija der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Moskau, 12.11.2013).